Feedback Strategies

Making Sure Your Praise is Effective

I think that praise can be good, but only if done effectively. One ting this article touches on is actual praise versus the praise that is overly complimenting. The praise that seems to go over and beyond, ends up sounding fake and makes the receiver of such praise feel a bit degraded in their efforts. When giving praise it is important to be specific and cautious of overzealousness because it seems more sincere. These type of specific comments and praise shows the student or the person on the receiving end that you care and that it is not a general statement that everyone is going to receive. These praises are real confidence boosters, rather than the condescending, exuberant praise or general praises they usually hear. 

Why Do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise?

This article talks on the importance of positive feedback. I do agree that positive feedback is helpful, but the way that it is done plays a major part in it. People will be more susceptible to your negative feedback if they are also given positive feedback by their employer, but this does not mean give them together. Compliment sandwiches are the worst. I think that proper and well accepted positive feedback is right after the positive moment happened, it is good to be acknowledge in those times, not 10 days after the incident and right before they are going to tell you that you messed up some how. It wont stick in a sandwich. 

Inspiration Quote (Padlet)


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