Week 8 Comments and Feedback
I have thought that the quality of comments and feedback that I have received has been really nice and helpful. The feedback shows me things that I should improve upon or things that may not make much sense in my writing and needs clarification. While they do still add praise and tell me what they enjoy about my story they do also give feedback that is helpful in making my stories more concise. In terms of my own feedback, I think that I give reality constructive feedback. There are sometimes where I come across a story that I just have no idea how to help them improve because it is very well written, but many times I am able to help show an area in the story that confused me or could be expanded upon. I am enjoying that these are ways to get to know others, but honestly I do get overwhelmed sometimes when reading all the comments and I just do not response. I know that this is taking away from my experience getting ti know my classmates and letting them get to know me, but I struggle with responding to my comments. I will start to work on that more and hopefully will get more out of this distanced learning set up. Like I just mentioned, I will try to follow up with the comments on my blog to help form connections and also may help me to get more constructive feedback if people feel comfortable around me.
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