Week 8 Progress

 So far I am okay with my progress. I have been keeping up and I hope to finish by Week 13, but I know that I need to start doing more extra credit and keeping up with my weekly work so that by Week 13 I am well past the 380 point mark. It has been a fun class so far and I really enjoy building a blog. I am trying to do more extra credit and wish that I had done them more so in the beginning of the semester, but now it is time ti play catch up. I am looking forward to developing my project more and also to read some others. There are a couple that I have bookmarked so I can go back and visit them when they update with new stories. I want to try to be more on time with my writings, especially for my project as I would really like to see it through by week 13. I want to try to avoid getting things turned in at the last second and will try to use this week to get ahead and finish up maybe some of next weeks assignments and readings as well. 

Quote on Wall (UnSplash)


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