Extra Credit Reading Notes: Eskimo Folk Tales

- Seem to have traditional gender roles

- A different version of the creation story

- Dogs very central animal in the Inuit tales

- When people die they become stars, almost like Princess and the Frog Disney

- The Tupilak is like Frankenstein

- The brother that was trying to harm Nukùnguasik died and became the prey of the predator he created

- The old woman took in the bear and the people of the village helped it to grow

- They would play with him and in a way train to make him stronger

- He helped them catch seal and meat and never harmed anyone and no one harmed it because of the collar

- He brought home a dead man and from then on he had to leave

- The old woman made the little bear leave for fear of not being able to keep him safe

- Qalagánguasê was paralyzed from the waist down

- When he was alone he was visited by a ghost and hid, this happened again but with many ghosts, even his sister

- They boy was left behind and then his parents came to make him a ghost

- The man broke his promise and told his wife of how he came to possess the powers of catching the seals

- He lost his wife and his great fishing ability after exposing the secret of the Noseless One

- The Giant Dog would scare the inland dwellers and take their legs which was good that they were scared because they did evil things


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