Reading Notes: Nursery Rhymes B

- Nursery rhyme jingles are the ones I am most familiar with

- Reminds me of Rock City and the nursery rhymes

- The rhymes about love aren't really about marriage

- It is almost this childlike love

- I did not know that there were natural history themed nursery rhymes

- I thought that they would be about the earth and more history, but they are mostly about animals

- Birds and farm animals are mentioned heavily in nursery rhymes

- This compares to the stories of the non-western world where it was tigers, rabbits, jacklas, and elephants

- Animals do have less human characteristics than other stories

- Accumulative stories are very interesting as each line leads into the next but the las actions are still repeated

- Out of the relics I am most familiar with little miss muffet and what little boys are made of

- These remind me of jump rope songs 

Baby Cradle (UnSplash)

Story source: The Nursery Rhyme Book edited by Andrew Lang and illustrated by L. Leslie Brooke (1897).


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